It was an age when women were held in appreciate only for the warmth of their bodies and their faculty to bear brood and so it was cause for much giggles of mystification and skepticism among the wandering folk that such a tale of a Child-Queen who held potent sway over a million people – warrior-men, women and children - be of true bearing even if the raconteurs often pledged its validity with their dying breath.
To relate verbatim the images of the physical beauty of this young queen as blabbered by awe-struck witnesses would seem inapt, ludicrous or even in-bias here and risks making this author seem partisan.., so suffice to say that evidently this princess was a sight to behold.
Rich in beauty and powerful of mind, she captivated hearts and enthroned herself while yet very young. A million minds persuaded to act in unison at her bidding. And her kingdom of Thuraima prospered: abounding in food grains and precious stones, enjoying total health, happiness and well-being of the people, and employing an inscrutable stratagem for the defense of its boundaries using enigmatic weapons of war - among them the fearsome and annihilative Powders of Fire.
(Detractors swear to tales of black-magic and alliance with Evil.. Whispers of the girl-princess begat by human and demon.. Claims of midnight metamorphosis of the beauty-queen into a hag-witch with serpentine hair and rotting flesh.. )
