emotions make the man. certain emotions we believe make us humane. emotions arent called emotions if it lacks spontaneity. premeditated, it becomes mere expression - a product of the tissues.
the ‘heart’ is the house of emotion. by ‘heart’ we all know we mean the ‘sentimental mind’. mind originally had no sentiment. it was not designed to accommodate sentiment. coz a mind is an instrument of survival sourced by the brain. it manufactures instinct and action to propagate its own self (and thru it the body it houses). a mind is a robot that serves only one master. itself. by any means. by all means.
( the heart the mind and the soul are supposedly the trio that nurtures human aesthetics. since other earthly life forms or life as we know it, other than man, allegedly lack one of these we preposterously (damn that word again! well its the last time iam using it!! ) conclude that they lack the ability to be aesthetic. the heart ofcourse is just another functional bio-organ like the kidney while the soul is but (i believe) a vain metaphysical illusion conjured by man.. so I deal just with the brainmind here..)
somewhere along the line of life’s evolution. after a few billion years. when everything was not hell bent on eating everything else. maybe coz food was abundant. maybe coz it seemed more selfish not to be selfish. meaning not eating ur neighbor helped u eat more to ur fill in the long run.. the mind learned to chill out. to cool .. to relax.. its sense of function which was singular and purely survival-oriented in nature, mellowed a little. by mellowing it began strangely, over millions of years, to accommodate traits in its character that were contradictory and destructive to the very purpose it was designed to exist.
voila! we have the emotion now. the product of a malfunctioning mind !
Love is an emotion. a bastard child. bred of an union between the mellowing mind and an anonymous mutant adulterous. It knows no reason .. its stupid... Then why does love exist and flourish?
(In labs it has been shown that rats voluntarily and repeatedly subject themselves to electric shocks for the ‘gift’ of experiencing a satisfying sensation (manually manipulated thru electrodes in its brain) akin to an orgasm. experimental mice forgo even food at the risk of death inorder to continue receiving the ‘erotic’ stimuli. in human-mice, ..er.. addicts, the same pattern can be recognized when the ‘gift’ is a hallucinogenic ‘kick’)
Love flourishes at the extreme discomfort and even total destruction of its owner-carrier coz the wanton brainmind inturn receives a comforting sensation.. a pleasurable sensation.. an aesthetic sensation (not necessarily orgasmic). The mind is now genetically and absolutely addicted to this sensation, and Love feeds it.
to be continued soon..... LOVE (part-2): IN DEFENSE OF LOVE
*( the author takes full responsibility for the views expressed. It is more a product of his -maybe according to u, inadequate - brainmind, than the unpleasant side effect of the recent heatwave downtown.)