I have always been shy (cough). More so in the just-sprouting bud of my youth. One of my favorite pastimes those days-of-my-bashfulness, was to imagine myself as someone Cloak and Dagger (Bond, James Bond) or Ultra-Strong (Popeye) or Powerful (the President of India – yes I was kinda naive) The fantasy of being able to positively effect the lives of whole populations was my ‘thing’ my ‘kick’. I played them all day. Sometimes all weekend.

So thence were planted the tremulous saplings of ambition which by adulthood, I was effin sure, would grow into Giant Oaks, inciting radical change into the lives of many peoples.. Obviously nothing of that sort happened. The saplings withered away in no time in the scalding heat of teenage subsistence and in the scorching flames of capricious nascent adulthood. And Now: Having acquired some power and influence at work, and home, especially in the vicinity of my kennel where I breed rogue canines; But nowhere near acquiring the kind of omnipotent power, to be able to alter the destinies of myriad peoples (I like the word, peoples), I nonetheless entertain memory flashes of an old fantasy.. Of a world according to me..


Actual Reuter Tickers (almost) :
Korea tests nukes. Iran plans nuke tests. Dr.Rice, Cheney play scrabble. US plays 100th Iran Invasion war game.
You read them everyday. But is there more to it than meets the eye:

The United States is the sole super power. Its neo conservative policy is now – perpetual full spectrum global dominance. Meaning to do anything and everything it takes to maintain global superpower status in all aspects, not just for the next 50/100 years but for all Time.

Two vital factors determine the outcome of this strategy: Oil and China. Oil, for the next 50 years. China, even beyond. Fuel runs the world. Without fuel, ambition only remains in the hearts of men. Unless an alternate source of fuel is discovered, refined and made available cheaply in massive volumes ( that doesn’t seem like happening this century), he who controls oil would enjoy world dominance.With the erstwhile Soviet Union dismembered and crippled, the US is miles ahead of any competition in terms of world power. The nearest rival is now China. Thanks to its massive population, size and surprisingly fast growing economy. If unrestrained, China would soon wield the money, the resources, and the military supremacy the US currently enjoys. The US is now hell bent on restraining it. But first, the Oil -

SECURING OIL - US plans global oil dominance by.. what else..? controlling the planet’s biggest oil reserves i.e, the middle east – mainly Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iraq, Iran.

SAUDI ARABIA & KUWAIT & IRAQ- Already barracks the US army. How ? The US slyly encourages Saddam to invade Kuwait, hinting it wouldn’t intervene.. Saddam does so. Saudi is mortally threatened. Begs US intervention. US acts surprised. US Liberates Kuwait, decimates Iraq's military apparatus. Saddam cries “ *@$% @ @!! %^&*$ $*! *&^%” which loosely translated, minus the cuss words, means ‘US Traitors’. US armaments and personnel are stocked in both Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, thus covertly influencing these two governments’ policies. Iraq further crippled with sanctions, making it a soft enough target for later manipulation. ( Three birds with one stone. Darn these Yankees are good )

IRAN is next. Iran is a mighty military power. Its rulers fanatic and dictatorial. To successfully invade Iran. US needs two or three land fronts. Wars are about securing fronts. No country can truly be won unless there is a successful land invasion from multiple land fronts. And for that accessible land fronts are required. Iran has Afghanistan and Pakistan on one side and Iraq on the other. US policy/war mongers scratch their chins on how best to secure these three fronts. To get Iran, they should first secure Afghanistan, Iraq and possibly Pakistan. And then there occurs 9/11.

9/11 is planned by Al-Qaeda /Bin Laden. Top CIA and defense officials know of impending threat. They turn a blind eye. Knowing it’s a superb opportunity (the pearl harbor attack gave America the excuse to exert world dominance for half a century) to implement their cherished strategy of PFSGD - Perpetual Full Spectrum Global Dominance. The twin-towers collapse. Pentagon war-mongers hurriedly make their move. They would get their triple fronts afterall..

PAKISTAN - A scared Pakistani military president is given an ultimatum by the US. Join us. Do our bidding. Give our planes and military regional access. Or be prepared to be bombed to the stone age and a puppet government installed. Musharaff knows enough to know what’s good for him personally- to remain president or to languish is some Karachi jail- Musharaff unsurprisingly chooses the former. US is given free rein in/through Pakistan. To use it as a launch pad against Afghanistan's Al-Qaeda and importantly, for the eventual Iran confrontation. ONE DOWN.

AFGHANISTAN- The rag-tag Al-Qaeda government is taken down without much ado and a US friendly govt installed. Not to mention a massive US military presence discreetly directed at Iran. TWO DOWN.

IRAQ Knowing fully well it has nothing to do with the terrorist attacks, US invades an Iraq already crippled by wars and sanctions, using the moral pretext of compromising non-existent Weapons of Mass Destruction. Effects leadership decapitation and sets up a puppet government and military bases (in convenient positions to attack Iran) . ALL DOWN.

Now the pawns are in place for the grand move – INVASION/CONTROL OF IRAN.

Once Iran is installed with a US favorable government either by war or leadership capitulation, half the battle for PFSGD is over. Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iran and Iraq will be in US control and so will World Oil, for use, abuse and manipulation, for as long as necessary.

tobecont -
