One evening, he comes running to the cove, excited as usual at the prospect of getting to share yet another evening with his beautiful secret. But alas !, what he sees, drives him to his knees in anguish and despair..
Instead of the screeching gulls and the hurrying crabs, the signpost ‘Site for Harbor’ greets him. The soothing melody of the breaking waves and the rustle of the breeze among the palm leaves, are warped by the aggressive chug-chug of bulldozers and the swearing of sweating men.
Shock stricken he runs up and down the littered beach raving incoherently. He dives into the ocean, frantically hoping for a miracle. The murky ocean bed is littered with heavy rigs and pipes. He searches aimlessly, knowing fully well that she must have left, not standing a chance against the brutal invaders of her privacy.
His tears mingle with the sea, with the tears of his mermaid. Yes, he knew it. She too must have wept .. Pained to leave him. He swims to the rock where they had so often sat, gazing at the setting sun. Content in each other. It is there that he finds it.. Secured by knotted weeds to a wedge is a heart shaped coral. She had left it or him..as her parting gift..
If you visit that harbor today, you will see massive ships anchored at a distance. A gigantic red and white striped lighthouse stands sentinel to the coast. You will notice that unruly footprints have disturbed the multi colored pattern of the sands, and cigarette butts and empty packets are thrown around by selfish tourists. Naughty boys net the sparse fishes and stone the hungry gulls.
If you happen to wander to that secluded part of the harbor where the rocks are the most menacing and the waves fierce, you will see a lone figure. His body dissipated with age, face wrinkled by the passage of time. And in his vein knotted hands, clutched tightly to his bosom, is a coral. A heart shaped coral..
You will notice that his eyes, though glazed with sorrow, scan the darkening sea line with a glimmer of hope. Do not disturb him now. Grant him his solitude. For now, he is expectantly awaiting someone. Expectantly awaiting the return of his beautiful Mermaid..