a·the·ist [ey-thee-ist] – a person who denies or disbelieves the existence of a supreme being or beings.
In this day and age, it is irrational to be an atheist. Infact down right stupid. Atheism effects from the absence of logical proof to prove the Divine. ‘Absence’ & ‘Logical’ : Absence-of, and human logic is constrained. By time and knowledge.
Absence of proof - Absence need not mean non existent. There is no bus to stationA so far. Neednt mean there is no bus AT ALL to StationA. Wait long enough and there could be one. (time constraint). Logic - Logic is heavily dependant on knowledge. Human knowledge is embarrassingly inadequate. To expect Truth of divine proportions to be discernable to man’s logic, is laughable.
Our confusion regarding the Divine, arises from us resorting to the scriptures for explanation of divinity. Scriptures are man written. Man has described God and the ways and wishes of God, without actually giving Him a say in the matter. We peruse the scriptures, the alleged 'word of God', and wonder why this er ‘God’ cannot withstand the scrutiny of even our puny logic. So we throw God (as we imperfectly understand Him) aside, then call ourself atheist. Or turn tail, play safe and call ourself agnostic.
Lets assume for a moment that we know no religion. No notes of ‘God’. Lets keep an open mind. Now there are only two clear possibilities:1. There is a God; 2. There is no God.
The odds are 50-50. And as any mathematician will gleefully tell, the odds for either are great. Almost as great as the possibility for a head or tail on a tumbling coin.. Almost as great as the probability that you will be alive tomorrow. Almost as great as the chance that I could be dead tomorrow.
If there is the Supreme being, It masterminded all creation. Designed Matter and life. Evolution of human itself being a by product of creation (probably unimportant). Micromanaging might not be in Its scheme of things. It could care less about Man. (A human centric universe is man's egotist fantasy). Unless something threatens Its scheme on a cosmic scale, It might as well be on vacation.
If there is no God - Then, a material or cosmic ‘Energy Force’, explainable in the distant future by science and formulae, created all. Life, much more, man, is accidental. This energy being innate, creates & destroys in a mundane cyclic repetition to sustain itself.
Today, we just cannot, for certain, subscribe to any one of these possibilities without keeping an open mind to the prospect of the other.
But, either way, our goose is cooked.
Absence of proof - Absence need not mean non existent. There is no bus to stationA so far. Neednt mean there is no bus AT ALL to StationA. Wait long enough and there could be one. (time constraint). Logic - Logic is heavily dependant on knowledge. Human knowledge is embarrassingly inadequate. To expect Truth of divine proportions to be discernable to man’s logic, is laughable.
Our confusion regarding the Divine, arises from us resorting to the scriptures for explanation of divinity. Scriptures are man written. Man has described God and the ways and wishes of God, without actually giving Him a say in the matter. We peruse the scriptures, the alleged 'word of God', and wonder why this er ‘God’ cannot withstand the scrutiny of even our puny logic. So we throw God (as we imperfectly understand Him) aside, then call ourself atheist. Or turn tail, play safe and call ourself agnostic.
Lets assume for a moment that we know no religion. No notes of ‘God’. Lets keep an open mind. Now there are only two clear possibilities:1. There is a God; 2. There is no God.
The odds are 50-50. And as any mathematician will gleefully tell, the odds for either are great. Almost as great as the possibility for a head or tail on a tumbling coin.. Almost as great as the probability that you will be alive tomorrow. Almost as great as the chance that I could be dead tomorrow.
If there is the Supreme being, It masterminded all creation. Designed Matter and life. Evolution of human itself being a by product of creation (probably unimportant). Micromanaging might not be in Its scheme of things. It could care less about Man. (A human centric universe is man's egotist fantasy). Unless something threatens Its scheme on a cosmic scale, It might as well be on vacation.
If there is no God - Then, a material or cosmic ‘Energy Force’, explainable in the distant future by science and formulae, created all. Life, much more, man, is accidental. This energy being innate, creates & destroys in a mundane cyclic repetition to sustain itself.
Today, we just cannot, for certain, subscribe to any one of these possibilities without keeping an open mind to the prospect of the other.
But, either way, our goose is cooked.